Shoofly Village Ruin

FOTNF is committed to helping the Tonto protect one of the Forest’s archaeological gems – Shoofly Village Ruin. This site, developed for public interpretation by the Forest in 1994 and adopted by FOTNF in 2019, is located on the Payson Ranger District of the Tonto National Forest. It was built and occupied between A.D. 1000 and 1280 by people who had close ties to the Hohokam and Salado people then living in the deserts and mountains to the south. The village contains 87 rooms and many courtyards, all surrounded by a compound wall that encloses about four acres. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. This popular recreation site has an interpretive trail, signs, and kiosks emanating from a paved parking lot that also serves as a trailhead for a hiking/equestrian trail that will eventually connect it to another interpreted archaeological site nearby being developed by the Town of Payson.

On behalf of the Tonto National Forest, we would like to invite you to come visit this unique example of Arizona’s cultural heritage. Click here for a map to the site. If you are interested in volunteering on clean ups and maintenance projects at the site, fill out our Volunteer application.